XZ-Utils/liblzma Backdoor, what to do?

What is happening? A recent discovery has revealed that a version of liblzma5, a popular open-source software library utilized in xz-utils (formerly LZMA Utils), may have been compromised with a sophisticated backdoor. This compromise potentially enables unauthorized remote access to systems or even remote code execution. XZ Utils, a collection of free software command-line lossless […]

AI Basics, approximate a sine wave with a NN

Today we are going to look at how to train a neural network that can approximate the same output as a sine wave function for example y = model(x) should be pretty close to predicting y = sin(x). The classic “hello world” of machine learning is generally using the MNIST dataset to train a model […]

VMWare vs Proxmox in enterprise

What is proxmox? Proxmox is an open-source virtualization platform that integrates virtual machines (VMs) and containers into a unified solution. It is Debian/Linux based, uses KVM and LXC as its underlying virtualization technologies and has a web based UI that is very similar in approach to VMware.  Using KVM Proxmox is able to run operaring […]

Async, Python vs Javascript

In programming, async (short for asynchronous) refers to a method of executing tasks where actions can occur independently of the main program flow. Instead of waiting for each task to complete before moving on to the next, async allows the program to continue executing other tasks while waiting for certain operations, such as input/output or […]

Cognito authentication integration with Django using authorization code grant.

Note: Assumed knowledge of AWS Cognito backend configuration and underlying concepts, mostly it’s just the setup from an application integration perspective that is talked about here. Recently we have been working on a Django project where a secure and flexible authentication system was required, as most of our existing structure is on AWS we chose […]